Last month I started with the project 31 Photos in 31 Days. I carried my camera with me everyday and kept my eyes open for photos which I pass by everyday without notice. It opened my eyes to the beauty all around me everyday. You do not have to drive out to a location to take a great photo, with a bit of creativity it is just beside you.
For the next 31 days I'll post the photo I took that day a month ago. Join the journey with me for the next month.
This photo is taken in a play park at the Potchefstroom Dam, South Africa. Sw Theron and I went there to shoot one of the Shootcase short films on why I love film photography. Be sure to check it out on the blog. I love the light leak in this photo. It is one of the reasons why I love film photography: there is no rules to a successful photograph, it is the imperfections that makes it unique and beautiful.